
Do you have questions? Call us!
+357 26 94 68 63

Availability from Monday to Friday:

Morning 08:30 -> 13:00 and Afternoon 15:00 -> 19:00

FAX +357 26 92 31 93
Customer Service

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Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Central Surgery

Neofidou Nicolaides Street
Colosseum Court
3rd Floor Office 304
‌8011 Paphos – Cyprus

Please call us before your visit.

    We are trusted by the world's top companies!

    We select our products and equipment in a scrupulous way, supplying us only from the manufacturers of the best brands to always guarantee our customers the desired result.

    Dr. Lenia's Dental Surgery

    Advanced solutions, experienced dentists and a very competitive price.